Friday, December 23, 2011

Curiosity and Jeff Burns

One of my favorite things to do is ask questions.  Now, I don’t know if I became a journalist for a time because I love to ask questions, or if journalism fostered my curiosity for people, things and events. 
In any event, I find that both propel both a sense of livelihood in my community and the thrill of keeping my finger on the pulse of the times.
I joined Open Stage Media’s production of “IMPACT” at Proctor’s TV because I couldn’t wait to begin asking questions of local “do-ers” in the arts around upstate, New York.
Jeff Burns, a local filmmaker and originator of the new dynamic web series “Super Knocked Up” -- about a female super-villain who is knocked up by a womanizing superhero – recently joined me on Impact to tell me about the origins of the idea, the journey in making a web-series, as well as the trials and tribulations of being an upstate indie filmmaker.
Check it out!

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