Friday, February 16, 2007

Projects on the Slate for 2007

I've been busy working on a variety of projects with some of my favorite female artists and humanitarians.

In PREPRODUCTION: "Motherhood"
A tearful, humorous and thought-provoking ensemble piece about motherhood from different perspectives as seen through mothers around the world.

In PRODUCTION: "A Fork in the Road"
A short 16mm film about a father who's hit hard times--and the son who helps him back to his feet.

In POSTPRODUCTION: "Women in Berlin"
A documentary about five unique and passionate American women living in Berlin five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall--and where they are today.

I am looking to start my own non-profit organization in order to be able to apply for grants--if you are able to help or know of anyone who might be able to help me achieve this endeavor, please contact me. (See the contact or comment button below).

Thanks and many warm regards,
H.E. Philipsen

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