Monday, November 21, 2011

Shawn Schaffer

A couple of weeks ago, I had the enjoyable experience of catching up with Capital District local, Shawn Schaffer, to discuss many of his most recent artistic and professional accomplishments.
Shawn Schaffer is a gifted cinematographer and editor in his own right, a natural talent, who learned everything he knows in the artistic and technical dimensions of his industry by doing on set and reading on his own, rather than film school.
He’s built up a variety of different experiences working on everything from shorts, to indie features, to web series, and, most recently, a feature film with real star talent (Bruce Dern and Kristanna Loken) and helmer power (Farhad Mann) – “Love Orchard” – set in the Kinderhook area of Columbia county, upstate New York.
I should add, here, that I, too, worked on that film – as Production Coordinator.  But during that time, we rarely, if ever, had enough time to sit down and talk on set and, thus, it was truly fun sitting down in front of the camera to officially discuss all we had both learned.
If you like, you can click here to watch that interview. 
One thing that I’ve come to really cherish about being in the film industry with time is watching my colleagues and peers grow with and around me.  We might not always ascend the proverbial career ladder at the same time – or even upwards, for that matter – but eventually, when sticking with it over a course of time, we inevitably end up with some real stories to exchange and tell.
I think my best story about the Love Orchard film would have to do with some great advice that honored and esteemed actor Bruce Dern gave me:
“Kid, the film industry is like a marathon – you don’t really hit your stride until you reach the 16th mile.  Get ready, because I think you’re about to hit your 16th mile soon.”
Bruce, I’ll hold you to that insight.  Thanks for the lovely moment and memory.

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