It's been a while since I've written a blog. I've been under attack.
Martians took over my life, presented me with a lot of strife, and made me question my values, my family, my friends.
Some you keep, some you let go.
This I know: I am an artist, I create and through this process, along with my faith in God, I hold stay firmly rooted to Mother Earth, while gazing at the stars.
It's a heady place to be.
And I decided to take a step back, re-evaluate my life, be a part of QUALITY over quantity -- whether that be in friendship, in work, in faith.
More than ever, it seems to me that if you call out to the universe, your needs will be met. But you must be willing to listen, truly listen, and have the discipline to go the extra mile with all the people and endeavors you chose to let in to your life.
If not, let it go.
This is easier said than done. It is a constant state of pruning and nurturing. And some times, with some people, you should hold on, when you want to let go. And some times, with some people, you should let go, when you want to hold on.
Ultimately, however, for me, it's about being aware of your place in life and living it with purpose.
Everything else in life will follow suit.
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